Tuesday, October 12, 2010



I find it funny that am reading the blogs of the people I dislike. Why am I checking on how they're doing? Am not stalking them, am I?

Moving on. Let me check the blogs of the people I like :-)


Have you ever had that feeling where you want to jump into something yet, there is that force that holds you back and you just can't disect the real problem because you are afraid about what the answer may be? I've been to that whirlpool lately.


A friend e-mailed me asking why I stopped writing. Actually, I did not stop. It's just that am not feeling for it right now. He wanted me to write something romantic because he digs it but, I was contemplating on how uncredible I am of the topic. Yeah, I have been posting thoughts about L-O-V-E in all its angles - idealistic, realistic, superficial and the like but then, my thoughts and words are always compromised by my actions. I'm just another person who gets hurt, who wallows, who becomes bitter, angry, jealous, lonely, ridiculous, unreasonable, depressed...who gets euphoric with simple hellos, smiles, hugs, encouragement.


There are moments when you are caught between "turning the other cheek" or you want to get even by giving him/her his/her own doze of medicine. This happened to me just recently.


Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Ahmm, make that "and Tuesdays always get me down." It has been raining since this morning and the sight of it just adds to the feeling of wanting to snuggle in your covers and pretend its Saturday. However, back to reality and I'm seen here in my computer trying to finish all my reports.

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